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: Prune my Priorities Prune my priorities This is a phrase has been part of the week’s prayer of approach from Lectio365: …

: Caste Caste I’m reading Caste by Isabel Wilkerson because she is coming to speak at the University …

: Digging In Again Digging In Again Good lord, do I want to do this? I imported my State of Faith and Saving My Faith …

: The Prayer of St Francis A random thought about the prayer of St. Francis occurred to me a few days ago that I wanted to …

: What do I want? What do I want? Seriously. What do I want from God? Let me take a step back. The question of what I …

: Advent This post isn’t ready for prime time. It’s not even half baked. It’s still fluid. …

: Resurrection Death and resurrection. It’s the impossibility around which every other impossibility of the …

: Karens A woman driving a minivan nearly hit my daughter on her bicycle today at an intersection where the …

: John 3:16 John 3:16 For God so loved the world. Not all the white American Christians. Not all the people who …

: Unsaying "God" David James Duncan speaks of “unsaying God”, that is, apophasis—theology defined by what …

: Curious, not Confused I’ve been thinking about my approach to faith and how I am unsure of anything anymore, and …

: One More for the Day This ridiculously cute little guy was at the Rochester Pride Parade in June. I sent this pic to his …

: Happy Yellow Flower I take lots of photos on my commute. Of course, my commute is along the Erie Canal. This shot was a …

: More Photo Fun I have tons of photos, and I don’t post enough of them. Here’s one more: I’m not sure if this is a …

: Experiential Problems with Faith August 4, 2023 This one was tough. I originally wrote a pretty antiseptic description of the issue, …

: Living as a Ken in a Barbie World I am anticipating seeing the Barbie movie with a mixture of excitement and dread. It’s a Greta …

: Time for Reconstruction . . . Or Not This is about my State of Faith project but not actually part of it—kind of a meta-post. I’m not …

: This is a funky tree I saw growing along Irondequoit Creek on a bike ride through Ellison Park

: Atonement July 13, 2023 I’ve been working on this for ages, and I need to publish something, so here it …

: State of Faith (thus far) August 4, 2023 Experiential Problems with Faith This one was tough. I originally wrote a pretty …

: Miracles May 28, 2023 This is a tough one because we all want a God who can intervene on our behalf. I mean, …

: Materialism or Physicalism vs. Dualism May 24, 2023 This gets a bit technical, so first, a few Greek words (from a non-theologian): ** …

: The Problem of Evil Updated June 3, 2023 Any discussion of the existence and nature of God must take seriously the …

: The Nature of God May 23, 2023 Evangelicals (especially Calvinists) like to define the attributes of God, most of …

: Philosophical Problems May 23, 2023 I’m taking a little different tack here and jumping around in my posts to topics …

: The Power of Metaphor May 16, 2023 If myth is one end of the narrative spectrum, then metaphor is the other. Myths are …

: The Power of Myth May 10, 2020 I’ve been reading Inspired by Rachel Held Evans, partly because it was available on my …

: Scripture April 11, 2023 In our next exciting installment, we’ll explore the authority of scripture and how …

: Response to Facebook flame war Memo to everyone who has been behaving badly on my feed: I recently was told that people were …

: Beginning Reconstruction ##March 31, 2023 Now that I’ve deconstructed or unravelled my faith, where do I go? I don’t want to …

: Revelation March 25, 2023 What can we know about God? As the first cause and creator of the material universe, …

: State of Faith (thus far) May 28, 2023 I’ve been all over the place, revising older posts and wrestling new ones into …

: What's so Amazing About Grace? Finished reading: What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey 📚 I actually read this when …

: Deconstruction March 16, 2023 “Deconstruction” has become overused and weighed down with cultural baggage, but I …

: Lioness, Seneca Park Zoo Lioness, Seneca Park Zoo This is a photo I took in 2021 of either Zuri or Asha, the two lionesses at …

: Introduction, the Conclusion March 16, 2023 Sooooo . . . where am I going with this? First, I want to document and discuss my …

: Introduction to My State of Faith, or what Ken has been thinking about lately March 11, 2023 I’ve been in a near constant state of gradual spiritual evolution over the last 40 …

: Introduction, continued March 12, 2023 So, why write about all this? Why not just chuck it and be done? There are several …

: Gotta post pics March 11, 2023 This is my daughter’s incredibly undignified cat, Thor the Wonder Kitty. He is a …

: Learning to Blog March 11, 2023 This is my first attempt at a real, live blog—something of a leap for an introverted …