
Testing pretty pictures

This is an image I like. I’m going to post it to my blog.

One More for the Day

This ridiculously cute little guy was at the Rochester Pride Parade in June. I sent this pic to his person because I’m a geek and I like to share. :-) Taken on my Canon RP with 24-105mm lens. Transferred wirelessly to Canon app on my phone and sent to doggo’s person’s phone via AirDrop. See, being a geek is a good thing.

Happy Yellow Flower

I take lots of photos on my commute. Of course, my commute is along the Erie Canal. This shot was a little tricky because I was trying to get a sharp, well composed image while the wind was blowing this little flower all over the frame—this is a surprisingly common problem when shooting outside in breeezy meadows and along canal paths. I think I mostly succeeded.

More Photo Fun

I have tons of photos, and I don’t post enough of them. Here’s one more: I’m not sure if this is a dragonfly or a damselfly. At any rate, it landed on my ring while I was riding down Scottsville Road, and I tried to take a quick picture with my phone camera. I figured it would fly away if I tried to pull out my little Canon, and I was right—it took off in the process of taking this, probably because I was careening all over the shoulder.

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Tree growing next to Irondequoit Creek

This is a funky tree I saw growing along Irondequoit Creek on a bike ride through Ellison Park

Lioness, Seneca Park Zoo

Lioness, Seneca Park Zoo This is a photo I took in 2021 of either Zuri or Asha, the two lionesses at the Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, NY. This was in the middle of winter, on a beautiful day with a clear blue sky. I’ve been volunteering as a photographer at the Zoo since 2019, when my wife started there as a docent. It’s an activity we can share while still making our own individual contributions—sort of parallel play for big people.

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Gotta post pics

March 11, 2023 This is my daughter’s incredibly undignified cat, Thor the Wonder Kitty. He is a roughly 16lb Maine Coon mix, and he loves this chair. He also loves to harass his older housemate, Chester. In spite of all his annoying faults, he’s a lovable lunk. Remember, I didn’t promise the Great American Novel. Cat pics qualify.