
Advent & Incarnation

Anyone who grew up in an even remotely liturgical church community has heard of Advent. The rest of us have seen Advent calendars, with tiny doors concealing tinier candies. And anyone who has seen Christmas Vacation knows Advent is when Clark Griswold spreads mayhem and puts up far too many Christmas lights. What is Advent? It is the liturgical season which begins the church year and when we prepare for Christmas.

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This post isn’t ready for prime time. It’s not even half baked. It’s still fluid. I want to write about Advent because it’s coming. I want to write about Advent because it implies the incarnation, which is my all-time favorite doctrine. Incarnation is important because it is God the creator entering creation in order to be in community with us. Incarnation is the transcendent becoming immanent. The incarnation is God entering all the messiness of human life.

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